Practitioner Training: Starting 24th February 2025
You can either pay in a single payment today, or if you're funding this yourself (not via your employer or company), you can use the 12-part payment plan.
One-Time Payment
Note: if you're based outside of the UK and you're funding this through a business / employer, please contact us because we need to send you a different form.
Confirm your place for a one-off payment of £1,997 + VAT = £2,396.40. You will be sent a VAT receipt.
12-Part Payment Plan
This payment plan is only for use if you are funding this yourself, as an individual. Otherwise, please go to the up-front payment option.
Make a payment of £199.70 today, followed by 11 further monthly payments.
Total = £1,997 + VAT (£2,396.40)